How ASHRAE 90.1 2004 and LEED applicable to unconditioned buildings?

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Hello All,

I have some questions regarding applicability of ASHRAE 90.1 2004 and LEED
2.2 for unconditioned buildings:

1. Is ASHRAE 90.1 2004 applicable to unconditioned buildings?

2. How does an unconditioned building meet the EA Pr.2 - Minimum Energy
Performance of LEED 2.2?

I found this CIR:

12/3/2003 - Credit Interpretation Request
In our campus project, one of the three LEED registered buildings is
unconditioned. The ASHRAE Standard 90.1 indicates that there are no
requirements for unconditioned spaces, making the Energy Cost Budget Method
not applicable. Are unconditioned spaces exempt from the Minimum Energy
Performance EA Prerequisite 2 and the Optimize Energy Performance Credit
calculations? If not what methodology is used?

12/22/2003 - Ruling
If the unconditioned building meets the ASHRAE 90.1-99 definition of
unconditioned space (i.e. is not a parking garage and has been approved by
the building department), then the building meets the LEED EA Prerequisite
2. The unconditioned building cannot qualify for any points under the
Optimize Energy Performance Credit because there are no possible energy
savings. If this building is a parking garage, then it must treated
according to the ASHRAE 90.1-99 requirements for parking garages.

3. Is this CIR applicable to LEED 2.2 and ASHRAE 90.1 2004? Does this CIR
means that unconditioned buildings have no requirements on lighting, motors,
service water heating etc?

4. How does an unconditioned building get points in EA Cr. 1 - Optimize
Energy Performance?

5. How is a project declared conditioned/unconditioned? If there is a
buildings with 500,000 sft area and say 1000 sft is conditioned and
remaining is unconditioned, will the building be assumed to be
unconditioned. I am told that if the conditioned area is less than 5% of the
total area then the building can be considered unconditioned and ASHARE need
not be applied, not even to the ACs in the conditioned areas!

Kindly let me know your thoughts on these questions. Any CIR or precedence
will help.

Thanks and regards,

Vishal Garg

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