hourly reports of thermal mass temperature?

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I'm using eQuest to design a building that uses unconditioned air for ventilation and performs night-time precooling of the thermal mass walls and floor slab.

I've defined all my wall materials as layers, and am generally getting sensible results to my parametric runs with varying amounts of mass in the walls. I'm primarily looking at the indoor temperatures ("current hour zone temp") with hourly reports, and binning them by the number of comfortable and uncomfortable hours.

However, I am having trouble figuring out how much air I need to push through at night to fully charge the thermal mass. I've been inferring mass temperature based on the response of the air temperature, but I was hoping to be able to look at mass temperature directly.

Is there any kind of hourly report or other way to find out the temperatures in the walls and/or floor mass?


Brent Eubanks

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