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I really thank you very much Christian for your email:

Well, i am actually Egyptian and having my PhD in Urban Climate God Willing.
That is why i was asking about Hamburg following the posts emailed before.
Hope we can all live together in peace and forgiveness, and i really looking
forward to meeting such a person like you Christian some day regardless the

Hope the moderators excuse me for emailing again but this reply from Christian
deserves to be published, as you can see that our RESEARCHES are not away from
what hapenns in our communitities.

I thought no body will reply to my email regarding my trials to ask about this
issue. It is obviously very hard to ask or even initiate a discussion about
that now a days due the incorrect understanding of Islam teachings and history,
despite simply the word Islam itself in Arabic means PEACE and to submit to our

Thanks again to Christian and to bldg-sim at lists
Salam to All,

Quoting Christian Bosselmann :

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