FW: Wanted - open-access empirical dataset of summertime indoor temperatures in dwellings

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Dear colleagues,

As part of an ongoing research project, looking at the application of machine learning models to the prediction of summertime indoor temperatures in residential buildings, we are currently looking for a large open-access data set to continue our work https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0360132318304530.

* Ideally we would like access to hourly or sub-hourly dry-bulb or operative temperature data from about 30-50 dwellings (or more specifically 30-50 rooms within dwellings) which demonstrate varying degrees of overheating across a continuous 2-3 month period.
* We also need to access the external weather data (temp and GHI) and some basic information about the dwellings (orientation, size, approximate location, nearest weather station, and what the room or zone is) but we don't require detailed construction or occupancy profiles etc.
* We would ideally like a recent UK or European dataset, but are open to suggestions.

Thanks in advance,

Dr Robert McLeod

Academic Manager LoLo Loughborough CDT
Senior Lecturer Building Energy Demand

School of Architecture, Building and Civil Engineering
Loughborough University, LE11 3TU
T +44 (0)1509 228788
S lolocdtlu


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Joined: 2019-01-19
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