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To Bldg-Sim Users

As many of you may know, there are EnergyPlus models available for the ASHRAE Prototypical Buildings that are shared for users. At one time, the was also a library of eQuest models of the same Prototypical Buildings, but these seem to no longer be available on DOE sites.

I have multiple student projects that need such models for eQuest training. If anyone has these models available in eQuest, might I ask you to get in touch with me at wryan at uic.edu.
Thank you
Bill Ryan

William A Ryan Ph.D., PE
Clinical Associate Professor and Director of the Master of Energy Engineering Program
Fellow of the Honors College and UIC ASHRAE Student Branch Adviser
Office: 3053 ERF, 842 West Taylor Street
Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering (m/c 251)
University of Illinois at Chicago, Chicago, IL 60607-7022

William Ryan's picture
Joined: 2011-10-02
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