Fan powered boxes in equest

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I have a model which has three types of fan powered terminal units:
1. Underfloor constant volume units with heating coil - The fan turns on
when heating is needed, and uses only recirc air with 10% primary air
In equest, model this with parallel FPB - min heating flow set at 10%, and
zone fan cfm at 150; set the schedule to the space heating schedule. Will
this make sure that the fan comes on only for heating?
2. Series constant volume fan with heating coil, with varying primary air
from 100% to 30%.
In equest, model this with series FPB - min heating flow set at 100%, and
zone fan ratio set to 1.
Question is if the primary air is at 30%, does the seconday air make up the
70% and the fan is modelled as constant volume, or is it variable volume?
3. Parallel variable volume fan with heating coil sized for 50% cfm, varying
primary air from 100% to 30%.
In equest, model this with parallel FPB - min heating flow set at 50%, and
zone fan ratio set to 0.5.
What schedule temperature to use such that the fan is used for both heating
and cooling?

Does this seem reasonable? Any thoughts appreciated.

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