Wish list - for retrofit analysis

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Way back, some one was collecting list of items that people want to see
incorporated in eQuest. Not sure if it is still happening, but figured I
would put it out there if someone is listening.

Ease of use -

1. Setup to use pdf file in the wizard for geometry. Sketchup allows this.
Most of these old buildings do not have dwg files, one can get only pdf's.
This will really save a lot of time, even if the rest of the following does
not get implemented.
2. When the wizard creates the inputs, like 0.5 cfm/sqft, or min flow of
0.3, can it be created as a user/wizard default value, so that if one wants
to change it in detailed mode, it can be changed by just changing this one
value instead of going through all the zones. Same for lighting and plug
loads - enter one value that acts as default and can be changed easily.
3. Option for no OA at the zone level in the wizard.
4. The schedules for lighting and plug loads - the minimum is pretty low -
0.05 for lighting, which doesn't happen even in new high performance
buildings that I have worked with. Can the default be changed to 15-20%. I
know that I can change it in the wizard, but no harm in asking since it
saves a step in the multitude of steps. Similarly, for plug loads, the
default min should be pretty high - 30-40%.
5. A place to input utility monthly data, so that eQuest can directly
calculate the calibration values like CVRMSE etc. This will save the going
to excel step.
6. When the HVAC system is parallel or series fan powered box, just keep it
for the external zones and make the internal zones with SVAV and no reheat.
This is what I have seen in every building that I have modelled so far.

On the system side, can we have an option for the OA system without having
to go through dummy zone? A system that sends its OA to all the child
systems and gets the return from these child systems. This way, the OA
system can have energy recovery or heating, cooling etc. It will be like a
regular system without the hassle of dummy zones, and the return
temperatures will be from the child systems and not that of the dummy zone.
This system will be easy to implement since it is not connected with the
building load calculation side at all.

If folks have faster methods to model/data entry for any of the above, I am
all ears.


R B's picture
Joined: 2011-09-30
Reputation: 4