I think it is the problem of eQUEST3.65,when I remove your building shades(because in your model polygon was used to set up building shades,and it is not soupported by eQUEST3.64) and open the .inp file using eQUEST 3.64,everything works.
Best regards,
Yongqing zhao.
Email:zhaoyongqing1987 at 126.com
503271081 at qq.com
------------------ ???? ------------------
???: "A Ramirez Zarzosa";
????: 2014?12?8?(???) ??6:22
???: "equest-users"
??: [Equest-users] PERFORM-DATA-AC Error
Hi Guys,
I have two screw chillers, with water cooled condensers. In the Chiller properties, in both of them in the ?Condenser type? box: is written ?water cooled?. When I try to run the simulation. Two errors arise that does not allow me to perform the simulation.
2 error(s) found in project?s BDL input file.
BDL. Input/Underline:
0.00975338, -0.00005891, -0.00458177) --
BDL Error:
PERFORM-DATA-AC in Chiller 2A FOCS WATER 7240 has Expression Evaluation Error: BDL Symbol ?AIR COOLED? not found.
BDL. Input/Underline:
BDL Error:
PERFORM-DATA-AC in Chiller 3A FOCS WATER 7240 has Expression Evaluation Error: BDL Symbol ?AIR COOLED? not found.
I would be glad if you advice me on how to solve this problem.
Many Thanks in advance.
Best Regards,
Aurelio Ram?rez Zarzosa
Ingeniero de Caminos, Canales y Puertos
Avenida de Europa, 14
Parque Empresarial La Moraleja
28108 - Alcobendas
Madrid, (Spain)
tel.+34 911 890 523
fax.+34 917 660 444
e-mail. aramirez at zeta3.com
Viste nuestra pagina/Visit our - web: www.zeta3.com
Miembro Fundador del/Founding Member: Consejo Construcci?n Vede Espa?a (Spain Green Building Council) desde/since 1998. www.spaingbc.org
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