eQuest 3.65 build 7173 - Wire frame mode

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Holding ctrl and left-click/dragging (i.e. the way you?d ?orbit? the view) is how I?m used to peeking at the wireframe. Doesn?t seem like this has changed between 7163 and 7173.

If there?s a way to make it always wireframe (when not manipulating the 3D view angle), I?m not sure I remember experiencing that. Would be interesting to learn!

I have a related query however (sorry for layering onto your thread, Daric!):

? By default, every project has ?Base Wire Frame? setting for the 3DManipulationMethod setting. I sometimes remember that it?s advantageous for QC review of geometries to instead choose the 2nd option (this renders windows & doors, helping to reveal instances of incorrectly ?sandwiched? surfaces in more complicated multi-shell situations.

[cid:image003.png at 01D23437.EF6699D0]

? Observation: If you select something other than the default, that setting lives in the *.pd2 file:

[cid:image004.png at 01D2343A.E7451EE0]

? The question: Is there a way to make ?Full Wire Frame (all components)? the *default* 3D manipulation rendering setting?

o It would seem to be the case as a selectable option within the eQ_Dev.ini file (located in the eQUEST data directory):

[cid:image001.png at 01D23429.3053D6B0]

o The eQUEST.INI file includes a setting for 3DRenderMethod, but switching that value to 1 (?multiple cells?) has apparent no effect on new projects:

[cid:image011.png at 01D2343B.95A94920]

o I also tried pasting in the 3DMainipulationMethod from eQ_Dev.ini (and removing the semicolon), to no apparent effect:

[cid:image012.png at 01D2343B.95A94920]

[cid:image005.png at 01D23428.0B5C72F0]
Nick Caton, P.E., BEMP
Senior Energy Engineer
Energy and Sustainability Services
Schneider Electric

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[cid:image001.png at 01D189AB.58634A10]

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