DOAS and Fan Coils

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I'm trying to simulate a four pipe fan coil system with a DOAS ERV providing outdoor air in DOE 2.3 and getting some errors I haven't been able to figure out, I'm hoping someone here knows the answer!

The fan coil system runs by itself, connected to a campus CHW and steam loop, though I get the following error in my sim file:

Heat-Exchanger: L1West Perim Zn (G.W1) UA calculation
failed to converge.

This seems to be a random zone and switches every time I run it. Besides defining OA flow at the zone, there are no other custom inputs at this time on the zone. When I add the DOAS (without the ERV) to the "OA From" field in the fan coil system, I get an aborted simulation and the following errors:

Convergence issues in Design-Day mode 14
Hours Slow: 3209; Hours Failed: 0

Heat-Exchanger: HENE Perim Zn (M.ENE16) UA calculation
failed to converge.

Heat-Exchanger: HSouth Perim Zn (Mb.S22) UA calculation
failed to converge.

Fatal HVAC simulation errors.

Adding the ERV to the DOAS gets me a new set of errors:

Convergence issues in Design-Day mode 14
Hours Slow: 3384; Hours Failed: 1834

Heat-Exchanger: HNorth Perim Zn (M.N17) UA calculation
failed to converge.

PredictX parabolic solution failed. Please
send this input and weather file to program developers 3015
Heat-Exchanger: HEast Perim Zn (T.E39) UA calculation
failed to converge.

Fatal HVAC simulation errors.

Same notes and warnings as before but it adds the PredictX warning around 50 times (I edited the above).

I tried stepping back to DOE 2.2 but of course you can't define a DOAS in that engine and in 2.2 and 2.3 I'm unable to put an ERV on a fan coil system type.

So then, can anyone shine a light on what's going on?


Matt Garlick, CxA, CEM, BEMP
Building Efficiency Engineer | TBCx

E-mail: msg at
Mobile: 801-907-5654
Direct: 801-401-9492

324 S. State Street, Suite 400
Salt Lake City, UT 84111

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Joined: 2015-03-11
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