eQUEST Unmet hours and LEED Template

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Hi All,

This may seem like a continuation of a thread from last week. I am currently working on a model utilizing 10 AHU's for a 150,000 S.F. building. I am having problems with the unmet hours (both cooling and heating). Each shell of the model has been divided up into many spaces according to use type. This results in hundreds of zones with their own report from the Detailed Simulation Output File in the SS-F Zone Demand Summary section. It appears some perimeters zones, in all orientations, have very low unmet hours (<5), but some core zones have many unmet hours (>50+). Does anyone have any suggestions on how to reduce unmet hours in these core zones. Also, does everyone compound all of the unmet hours from all of the zones while filling out LEED NC 2.2, EA Credit 1, Section 1.3-Advisory Messages?

Thank You,

Janne Kairento, E.I.T., LEED AP

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