eQUEST Training Series Next Week

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We still have a few openings for the eQUEST trainings next week. You can register for each training individually or as a entire series with a discounted rate.

Introductory and Intermediate eQUEST...the QUick Energy Simulation Tool
Presented by Keith Swartz, P.E., LEED AP and Marlin Addison
Tuesday, May 3-4, 2011 in Madison, WI

LEED Energy Modeling with eQUEST*
Presented by Amanda Bogner, P.E., LEED AP
Thursday, May 5, 2011 in Madison, WI

Attendance at Introductory and Intermediate eQUEST or intermediate knowledge of eQUEST from prior experience.

Keith Swartz, P.E., LEED AP

Keith Swartz's picture
Joined: 2011-09-30
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