eQUEST / CAN-QUEST Training May 18th Winnipeg, MB

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Good Day Everyone,

A one-day eQUEST/CAN-QUEST is being held on May 18th in Winnipeg, MB in
conjunction with the IBPSA - Canada eSim 2010 conference.

This one-day workshop is designed to introduce beginning users and
potential users to eQuest and CAN-QUEST as an energy simulation tool.
The course will cover the following topics:

1. Overview of eQUEST/CAN-QUEST's Capabilities
2. Schematic Design Wizard
3. Energy Efficiency Measures Wizard
4. Graphical/Parametric Reports
5. Design Development Wizard
6. Using DWG files with eQUEST/CAN-QUEST
7. Parametric Run Reporting
8. Intro to LEED Analysis using eQUEST/CAN-QUEST; DOE-2.2.
Documentation Overview.

For details go to http://www.esim.ca/2010/workshops.htm#canquest

Devin Evenson

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