Thermal Bridging for LEED compliant energy models

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Could some of you more experienced folk help me understand thermal bridging modeling for LEED compliant energy simulation?


I use ?MH Building Envelope Thermal Bridging Guide? for modeling thermal bridges in proposed design. However, there are couple of points I`m not sure about. I use clear field values from Appendix A as Appendix A already accounts for thermal bridging present in clear field envelope assemblies.


1.???????Should I include Floor Slab Linear transmittance values in my proposed model? Even if floor slab edge is fully insulated on exterior, there will be some thermal bridging effect due to shelf angle use. However, this seems unfair for the proposed design as baseline design doesn`t take into account floor slab edge thermal bridging effect.

2.???????Similarly, baseline model doesn`t account for ?Glazing Transition Linear Transmittance?, ?Parapet Linear Transmittance?, and ?Corner Linear Transmittance?. Do I have to model these 3 thermal bridging effects on my proposed model, it seems rather unfair compared to baseline model?

3.???????Did you ever receive any comments from LEED reviewers about thermal bridging, could you share your correspondence?


Already now thanks for help,

Volkan Ozdemir

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