Regarding the Temperature Set point and Fan night cycle on/off

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Hi every one

1.If a zone temperature is above or Below the Temperatue set point of (68
- 76)F the zone hour is considered un met hour, my question is which
standard sets these limits of (68-76)F and in which document could i be
able to find this. and is the temperature limit is 68-76 F or is there any

2."Fan should be cycled on during un occupied hours as per ASHRAE 90.1 G .If the supply fan is modeled as cycling and fan energy is included
in the energy-efficiency rating of the equipment, fan energy shall not be
modeled explicitly". my question is wether the fan should be cycled on/off
in both the base and the proposed case. if the Fan power is not splitted
and it is included in the EER of the unit , when the fan is cycling the
cooling unit will not run and the energy will not be consumed by the fan.
the energy will only be consumed when the cooling unit is running , since
the EER for the unit is inclusive of the fan energy . since there wont be
any energy consumption during the cycling time , why do we need to do this.
can we model the building with out the cycling.



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