LEED Increased Ventilation Credit and Energy Modeling

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Joe may have been implying that he used different settings for MIN-OA-METHOD between the baseline and proposed models. Presumably, FRACTION-OF-DESIGN for Proposed and FRACTION-OF-HOURLY for the Baseline, which would actually penalize the Proposed if I understand the methods correctly. My understanding is that FRACTION-OF-DESIGN should be used in both the Baseline and Proposed models to meet the intent of ASHRAE 62.1. FRACTION-OF-HOURLY should decrease the OA CFM as the VAV flow decreases, resulting in a decreased ventilation rate at lower supply flows.

William Bishop, PE, BEMP, BEAP, CEM, LEED AP | Pathfinder Engineers & Architects LLP
Senior Energy Engineer

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134 South Fitzhugh Street Rochester, NY 14608

T: (585) 698-1956 F: (585) 325-6005

bbishop at pathfinder-ea.com www.pathfinder-ea.com

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Joined: 2012-02-25
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