Default value and other questions

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Hi all,

I am building a model for LEED project and I have some questions
confused me for a long time, does anybody know the answers or can give
me some suggestions?

1. All the property information I have is only a part of all the
information listed in eQUEST, if I can't find the information in
equipment spec., could I leave it in default value or I need to find out
anyway? If I leave it in default value, will it effect the result a lot?

2. The area is 19211 ft2 in document and I import the Building Area
19211 ft2 in wizard screen 1 of 25, but after I footprint the shape with
CAD file, there is an information "Dimensions Specified Above: 17775
ft2". Does it mean the area of this building now is 17775 ft2 not 19211
ft2? Will it be accepted if the building area is not the same as the

3. The reference guide shows the process energy should be at least 25%
of all energy cost. If the process energy is less than 25% after I
finish building the model, how could I increase the process energy to

Thanks for any help.

KeHuang Chen

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Joined: 2011-09-30
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