building shade effect (UNCLASSIFIED)

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Hello everyone,

My apologies for my vague query the last time, hope I?ll answer all your
probing questions and forgive my innocence in using eQuest.

The project will be located in South East Asia, Climate zone 1, no heating
for HVAC system. The tower has ellipse shape perimeter wrapped by the
louvers (? 80%) and every floor decreases perimeter. It is currently on
design development stage that is why we are trying some more EEM?s to
achieve at least 7 EAc1 points, not yet for LEED submission though.

It turned out that the conflict was when the HVAC capacity for models with
and without shade is the same which is based from the equipment schedule
that I got. What I was not able to do is to auto size the capacity for a
valid result.

Now, another group of simulators are trying to figure out the envelope
thermal properties improvement by having those louvers, which the HVAC
designer could use to recalculate the peak load. Then I?ll use the SC to my
next run. Improving the envelope alone may not have significant effect but
downsizing the equipment capacities will surely do.

I know I was a bit clumsy but I believe you guys would understand, working
on multiple LEED projects is risky. Lots of thanks to Nick?s insights about
energy modeling meaning and value! I shared it with my boss; my way of
saying I need extra hands.

Now that I know other possibilities, I will try to do explore more as you
guys suggested. Some questions:

1. Is there a proper way of calculating the transmittance for tubular

2. How do I input SFF and GFF in eQuest? I am using version 3-64.

3. Is there a faster way to put each louver as a shade with its decreasing
ellipse perimeter every floor in ?inp copy paste? method?

I?d like to thank all of you for sharing your thoughts and advice; it?s
very informative and helpful.


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Joined: 2011-09-30
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