Domestic hot water Modelling

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Hi all eQuest users,

I am having query regarding the domestic hot water modelling.

1) Does anyone have clarification on why there are changes in equipment
load when I add hot water heater.* (It should come under hot water
consumption only I think) *

2) Also when I keep different efficiency of hot water heater for baseline
and proposed , the equipment loads do not match. *(LEED states that
equipment loads should same in baseline and proposed)*. Can any1 clarify
why is the equipment load not matching in base case and proposed case, as I
am changing efficiency only and change in efficiency should only be
accounted in HOT WATER CONSUMPTION and not equipment loads according
to me. *(correct
me if I am wrong)*

Kindly suggest me what should be done in this case in order to match my
equipment loads.

Kind regards,


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