Does NFRC certification mean that window frame u-values are available for building simulation software inputs?

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Simulation lab that performed simulations would have frame U-factors.
NFRC staff would not be able to give you frame U-factors but could
potentially direct you to the sim lab that modeled these windows.
Alternatively, try to pry that info from Serious Windows.

BTW, NFRC is finalizing new certification process, called Component
Modeling Approach, where performance of framing, glazing and spacers is
published separately, as well as whole product performance and
EnergyPlus file for those that want to use info for building energy sim.


-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Re: [Bldg-sim] Does NFRC certification mean that window frame
u-values are available for building simulation software inputs?

D. Charlie Curcija2's picture
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