Dear friends and colleagues,
Christoph, Jeff, Shreshth and I are exited to play a new iteration of the DIVA Simulation Game at BS2017
The game will take place during the "Teaching Energy Modeling as a Game? Session:
Time : Wednesday, 09 / Aug / 2017, 9:45 - 11:00
Location : Bayview B
This year the first price is a full DIVA4
If you want to know more about the DIVA Simulation Game or would like to play this in a class you teach, you can find more information such as an in-depth description, the game file set and several video tutorials here
We are looking forward to seeing you at the conference!
Timur Dogan, Christoph Reinhart, Jeff Geisinger and Shreshth Nagpal
Dr. Timur Dogan
Assistant Professor Cornell AAP
240B Sibley Hall,
Ithaca, NY 14853,