PhD Opportunity

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The Institute of Energy and Sustainable Development at De Montfort
University has a PhD studentship available in the area of geothermal
heating and cooling systems. This NERC sponsored studentship is being
carried out in partnership with Mimer Energy ( one
of the UK's most experienced Ground Source Heat Pump companies. The
student would be based at the University's Leicester campus but would
spend some time working at the company. Mimer Energy Ltd are based in
Falmouth, Cornwall, UK. The studentship provides funds for both fees and
living expenses.

The studentship is available to suitably qualified UK graduates. If you
know of any recent graduates who might be interested I would be grateful
if you could bring this to their attention. Full details of the
studentship are available on our web site at

The closing date is 27th February.

Many thanks,
Simon Rees

Simon Rees's picture
Joined: 2011-10-02
Reputation: 0