-------- Original Message --------
Date: Mon, 15 Apr 2013 10:53:57 -0600
EnergyPlus Version 8.0 and OpenStudio Legacy Plug-in 1.0.10
The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) has released
an updated version of EnergyPlus simulation
software for modeling heating, cooling, lighting,
ventilating, and other building energy flows.
Additionally, a new version of OpenStudio Legacy
Plug-in for Trimble SketchUp is available, which
makes it possible to perform EnergyPlus
simulations using Sketchup's user-friendly 3-D drawing
Visit www.energyplus.gov to learn more and
download EnergyPlus and OpenStudio Plug-in now.
Highlights of this release (V8.0.0.007)
The highlights ? improved and new features ? are displayed
by category.
* Speed improvements and many bug fixes throughout.
* Weather files (EPW) from TMY3 now have corrected
illuminance data.
* Updated life cycle costing price escalation data.
* Added support for sub-hourly values and
interpolation for schedules that are input using a file
(Schedule:File object).
* Added two new fuel type input options
(OtherFuel1 & OtherFuel2) to all components that
specify the type of fuel, for general use when
modeling alternative energy sources, such as wood or other
Zone and Surface Models
* Added option to choose timestep-integrated
calculations for solar, shading, and daylighting
for use with dynamic facade controls.
Natural and Mechanical Ventilation
* Expanded AirFlow Network support for hybrid
modeling to include VAV air handlers.
HVAC and Refrigeration
* A new general-purpose plant heat exchanger
model (HeatExchanger:FluidToFluid) was added for
coupling and controlling all kinds of plant loops
and modeling multiple secondary loops (replaces
HeatExchanger:Hydronic, and HeatExchanger:Plate which have
been removed).
* New multispeed AC Furnace for high-SEER with
multistage gas or electric heating coil
* New central chiller heater system for
applications such as ground source heat pump systems.
* New plant model object
(PlantComponent:TemperatureSource) for a known
temperature source of supply fluid, such as for
river, well, or seawater once through cooling.
* Improved electric chiller condenser heat
recovery modeling to include autosizing, capacity
limits, inlet temperature limit, outlet
temperature control, and improved chiller models
to account for higher rejection temperatures.
* Added support for variable speed DX coils to be
used with CoilSystem:Heating:DX and CoilSystem:Cooling:DX.
* Improved the equation-fit, single-speed,
water-to-air heat pump models to include new
options for cycling or constant fluid flow operation.
* The single-speed DX cooling coil model was
improved to allow the option of defining
performance curves for the sensible heat ratio
(SHR) during operation to support 100% outdoor
air systems and other low-SHR applications.
* The zone exhaust fan model was improved to
allow varying flow rates, controlling on a
minimum temperature limit, selecting how
availability managers behave and declaring what
portion of makeup air is balanced.
* Added calculation and reporting of standard
ratings for HSPF and Net Heating Capacity for
multi-speed air to air heat pump (Coil:Heating:DX:MultiSpeed).
* Added HVACTemplate support for detailed outdoor air
* Improved low temperature radiant hydronic
systems to include options for tubing circuit
length sizing calculation and multiple tubing circuits.
* Improved horizontal trench ground heat
exchanger object with simpler interface to piping system
Controls and User Functions
* New Functional Mock-up Unit (FMU) capability
for EnergyPlus itself to be exported as an FMU for
* Improved capabilities for random number
operations in EnergyPlus Runtime Language programs for EMS.
* Throughout the program the specific names used
to describe output variables were completely
overhauled to be clearer, to use consistent
terminology, and to use the same names across similar
* New XML style option for all tabular reports.
* New LEED summary predefined tabular report.
* New ZoneComponentLoadSummary predefined report
that estimates the load components during a
sizing period for each zone using a pulse/decay curve method.
* IDF Editor ? Added FILL RIGHT function to copy
values from left most column selected to those to
the right of it similar to the fill right function in
* IDF Editor ? Added JUMP menu item to jump to
other fields in other objects that use the same
name as the currently selected field.
* Weather Converter ? Design day idf/imf snippets
for annual and monthly design conditions as
contained in ASHRAE HOF 2009 were posted to the helpdesk.
Documentation and Guides
* Documentation has been updated for all documents.
* Windows (XP, Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8) 32 and 64 bit
* Linux (Ubuntu 12.04 and compatible) 32 and 64
bit versions; RHEL 5.0 compatible available on request via
* Mac (10.7 and 10.8) 64 bit versions
* EnergyPlus V8.0 has been tested on all of these platforms
* EnergyPlus does intensive computations, for
high performance, computers should have a lot of
memory and fast hard disk speeds.
And many other enhancements and speed improvements throughout.
The EnergyPlus Team
And further information:
Is version 8.0 backward compatible? Can I run v7.2 file in v8.0?
> There have been MASSIVE changes to output
variable names (as mentioned above).
> There have been changes in the following
objects which require conversion. Either read and
follow the Rules spreadsheet or use the
IDFVersionUpdater utility. The ?Rules?
spreadsheet that contains information on exact
object changes that you can do by hand. For, the following objects require conversion (from V7.2):
> ShadowCalculation
> Coil:Heating:DX:Multispeed
> EnergyManagementSystem:OutputVariable
> EnergyManagementSystem:MeteredOutputVariable
> HeatExchanger:WatersideEconomizer
> HeatExchanger:Hydronic
> HeatExchanger:Plate
> AirflowNetwork:Distribution:Component:ConstantVolumeFan
> ZoneHVAC:HighTemperatureRadiant
> AirConditioner:VariableRefrigerantFlow
> Boiler:HotWater
> Chiller:Electric
> Chiller:ConstantCOP
> Chiller:EngineDriven
> Chiller:CombustionTurbine
> Chiller:Electric:EIR
> Chiller:Electric:ReformulatedEIR
> Chiller:Absorption
> Chiller:Absorption:Indirect
> And for the HeatExchanger changes - Branch,
PlantEquipmentList and CondenserEquipmentList
have to be changed to the new object name.
Multiple Version Conversions
The install includes the IDFVersionUpdater
program and the necessary programs to convert
from the previous version to the current version.
For older versions, you will need to visit the
helpdesk and download the multiple conversion set
of programs. "Converting Older Files"
- will contain the necessary readmes and zip/tar
files of programs to convert IDFs from older EnergyPlus