Additions And Alteration mandatory provision

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Hi guys,
I just want to make sure that I'm on the right track. Im working on a core and shell project that has an expansion and existing building that will have envelope renovation. ASHRAE 90.1-2007 User's Manual says:

"Additions and Alterations
(Table G3.1-2)
For building additions, the designer has
the choice of including the existing
building in the calculation of the percent
energy savings or excluding it. If the
existing building is excluded, then the
following conditions must be met.
? If there is any new work covered by
the Standard that is in a part of the
existing building that will be excluded
from the proposed design modeling, then
those parts must comply with the
Standard?s applicable mandatory and
prescriptive requirements."

Both existing and expansion building will be served by the same HVAC system so I decided to include the existing building in the model. With enough savings to comply with eQp1, does this mean that the envelope renovations of the existing building do not need to comply with the mandatory provisions (5.4)? How about the expansion builoding envelope?
Any comment is appreciated.

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