DCV per ASHRAE 62.1 in eQuest

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Using eQuest 3.63, I am modeling a school building with a high
ventilation requirement. The schedule indicates a minimum OA cfm and
employs DCV that adds OA per occupant in a manner similar to ASHRAE

Can someone informed, please suggest

a) how this may be best input in eQuest, and:
b) importantly, how it may be verified in the output.

As in real life the amount of ventilation (used/modeled) has a
considerable energy impact and needs to be particularly accurate.

I see the DCV Zone sensors options, and have read the zone/system
ventilation help, but I find the help descriptions somewhat ambiguous.

In this example the system is constant volume roof top units with heat
recovery. Unoccupied control is cycling fans with no ventilation.

Dan Coutin

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