Career opportunities for eQUEST users

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Hello eQUEST Community:

I have received a positive response from some individuals from the eQUEST
user list, so I wanted to reach out everyone again. I am with a recruiting
firm that specializes in the Engineering industry, and right now, I have
just an absolutely incredible demand for individuals with eQUEST energy
modeling experience. I represent some of the premier firms involved in
energy efficiency, and they all need experienced individuals that can step
right into management roles, or have a command of knowledge for the eQUEST
program. It appears as though there are many individuals in this community
that have what these firms are looking for. I know many individuals are not
actively looking per say, but it certainly doesn't hurt to evaluate your
options from time to time, and many people who have chosen to do so are
impressed with the opportunities that are available and with what these
firms are offering. If you would like to discuss it further, please feel
free to give me a call or send me an email.


Jeffrey Mancuso

Jeffrey Mancuso's picture
Joined: 2011-09-30
Reputation: 0