Call for Papers for SimBuild 2024

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I'm excited to announce an open Call for Scientific Papers
for SimBuild
2024. We seek papers demonstrating innovation in methods, workflows, and
modeling tools for better building design, performance, and operation to
meet aggressive targets for energy reduction, environmental quality,
decarbonization, and resiliency.

Please visit the SimBuild 2024 website
for conference information, submission guidelines, paper templates, and key
dates. SimBuild 2024 will include multiple formats of presentations to
encourage discussions and exchange of ideas as well as pre-conference
events. A call for oral presentations and panel discussions will be made in
January 2024.

The submission website for papers will open in early October and close
October 30, 2023.

See you in Denver!

Nathaniel Jones, PhD
SimBuild 2024 Scientific Committee Chair

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Joined: 2014-09-18
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