Call for Nominations for Student Travel Awards

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Student Travel Awards - Supporting students to attend BS2017

Travel to IBPSA Conferences can be an expensive business - especially for
students. In order to assist as many students as possible to participate in
BS 2017 in San Francisco, USA, IBPSA will grant a number of travel awards of
up to 1,000 USD to students presenting peer-reviewed papers. The number of
places is limited to a maximum of 5 grants and as a result is highly

The selection committee bases its decisions upon the following selection

* need for financial assistance, evidenced in a letter of
recommendation from the student's supervisor/ advisor of studies (must be on
university letterhead);

* overall quality of the peer-reviewed paper;

* relevance of contribution to the field of and/or furthering the
effective application of building simulation.

To be eligible, the student must be:

* enrolled in a graduate program related to building simulation at
the time of the conference; AND

* the thesis project must be directly related to building

Applications MUST be supported by a letter of recommendation from the
student's supervisor/ advisor / director of studies.

Applications for the award must be made by 15 January, 2017 via e-mail to
cheolspark at . The subject heading
of the e-mail should be "Student Travel Award" followed by the name of the

The e-mail application must include the following:

The student's name;

The name of the program, department, faculty, and university;

The title of the PhD or Master's research;

The name of the student's supervisor(s)/ advisor(s);

The faculty recommendation letter on university letterhead in PDF

The selection committee will base its decision upon a review of the letters
of support and the final manuscripts.

IBPSA would like as many nominations as possible, so please contact the
chair of the Awards and Fellows Committee, Cheol-Soo Park, via
cheolspark at to discuss a possible
nomination if required.

Payment will be made either to the academic department before the conference
or directly to the student at the conference.

Best Regards,

Cheol Soo Park, Ph.D.


Associate Professor

School of Civil, Architectural Engineering and Landscape Architecture &

Dept. Convergence Engineering for Future City,

College of Engineering, Sungkyunkwan University

Suwon, 440-746, South Korea

Office: +82-31-290-7567, Fax: +82-31-290-7570

Email: cheolspark at



(Lab) (Building Simulation


Bldg simulation's picture
Joined: 2016-04-13
Reputation: 600