Building Simulation 2017 Updates

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*Interactive program now available*
Explore the preliminary program of conference sessions online.

Please note that the program is still subject to change. The final program
will be published July 26. A smartphone app will also be available to
access the conference program and updates; look for an announcement before
the conference.

*Recorded conference*
Recordings of all presentations will be available online after the
conference to view sessions that you missed. Access will be free to
registrants for at least one year.

*Last chance for discounted hotel rooms - July 14, 2017*
Friday is the last day to reserve a hotel room at the discounted conference

Click here to reserve your hotel room

*Second Berkeley tour added - registration deadline Sunday July 16, 2017*
Due to popular demand, a second tour has been added Sunday morning to visit
the FlexLab facility at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory and the David
Brower Center in Berkeley.

Date: Sunday August 6, 2017
Time: 8:30 - 13:00

Please register before July 16; space is limited. More information is
available here:

If you are already registered for the conference, you can add the tour
ticket after logging in to the conference website using the password
provided in your confirmation email.

Workshop registration is open to all, even those who are not attending the
conference. The workshops cover a range of introductory to advanced topics.
Workshop dates are August 5, 6, 10, and 11. You may also sign up to take
ASHRAE certification exams on August 6.

Please register before July 21. More information is available

If you are already registered for the conference, you can add workshops
after logging in to the conference website using the password provided in
your confirmation email.


- New Features in eQUEST & DOE2.3
- Optimization of Energy Systems Using JModelica
- EnergyPlus for Practitioners
- Climate Data + Daylight Workflows with Ladybug + Honeybee
- Energy + Envelope Design with Honeybee OpenStudio + THERM
- Simergy Overview
- Advanced EnergyPlus using EP-Macro and Complex HVAC systems
- OpenStudio Launch Pad
- Simergy 101 ? How to Create Building Energy Models in Record Time
- DesignBuilder: Maximizing EnergyPlus Productivity, Optimization, and
- OpenStudio Measure Writing
- Introduction to TRNSYS
- Unlocking Advanced Design Exploration with High-Performance Computing,
Parallel Works
- Free IESVE Software Crash Course ? Solar, Daylight, HVAC & Energy

*Social events*
Sign up now while space is available.

Click here for social event information and registration

- San Francisco bike tour
- Wine-country tour
- SF Museum of Modern Art tour, with technical presentation
- Giants baseball game
- Student/young professional dinner

*Single day conference registration*
The option is available to register for Building Simulation 2017 for just
one day at a 55% discount from the full registration price. To request
instructions for single day registration, email
BS2017registration at


* Endorsing

Hosted by the U.S. Affiliate of the International Building Performance
Simulation Association (IBPSA-USA).

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*Copyright ? 2017 IBPSA-USA, All rights reserved.*

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Bldg simulation's picture
Joined: 2016-04-13
Reputation: 600