Building Simulation 2015 - Hyderabad, India

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As the deadline for abstracts draws closer, I'd like to echo the recent
encouragements to participate in the Building Simulation 2015 conference
in Hyderabad, India next December The recently extended deadline for
abstracts is December 10; however, it's worth considering attending even
if you don't expect to present a paper.

I had the opportunity to visit the conference site a couple of weeks
ago. As would be expected of any international conference venue, the
place is safe, clean, modern and comfortable. I would go so far as to
say that the facilities at the conference center and the adjoining hotel
are significantly superior to those at any previous Building Simulation
conference. The conference center is set in its own extensive grounds
and the hotel rooms are attractively priced by international standards (
~$100/night). The site is close to the IT and university sector of the
city - Google, IBM, MIcrosoft, Oracle, and a number of well-known
financial institutions are located just a few miles away, between the
conference site and the Westin Hotel.

I look forward to seeing many of you in Hyderabad.


Philip Haves
Leader, Simulation Research Group
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
One Cyclotron Road, MS 90R3111
Berkeley, CA 94720-8134
(510) 486 6512 (office)
(510) 486 4089 (fax)

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Joined: 2011-10-02
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