Building schedule comparison (setback vs "off")

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Has anyone ever modeled the following for a typical office building's
weekend control, or at least something similar:

*Baseline*: weekend setpoints are at "unoccupied" value (e.g. 80 cooling,
65 heating). Equipment modulates to maintain unoccupied setpoints.

*ECM*: The building HVAC is turned "off". That is, the equipment does not
modulate to maintain a setback temperature.

For the ECM, there is a penalty on Monday once the equipment is turned back
on. What are the savings (if any) of the ECM when you look at the energy
usage of the building for a week, month, or year when comparing the two

If anyone has done such a comparison, or at least something similar, I
would be interested to know the results.


Mark Moody, PE, CEM

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