[Equest-users] A Response & Statement on Energy Modeling Services: Meaning and Value

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Dear all:

(First of all, be careful with my sentences which might be miswritten,
because I?m not english native and in this topics about earned money or
billabe rates, we need to clarify and not to get hooked).

I?m continuing this post because I have some questions in order to unravel
the issue about Modelling. And I?ll start giving my gratefulness and
greetings to whom have written before.

Here is my list of questions/uncertainty related to .doc document attached
by Nick:

- LEED are increasing his users/fans, and not only northamerica nor
europe but south america is very close too, so, rates have to be universal
or local? (it seem to me that this kind of filter dosen?t exist on GBCI in
projects register matters).

- we need to clarify skill levels on modelling. New? INtermediate?
Advanced? Expert?

- we need to clarify skill level on LEED modelling...

- Misunderstood: if I pick up a project like "building energy
evaluation" (and I alreday made my charge), and suddenly the mandator wants
to get a LEED medal: the model is entirely drawn on software, I made my
assumptions, and I?ve almost sent my results in an oficially report: the
question is, how can I make another offer with Pasha?s cost logical? Are
going to be the same hours (let?s say same example of 72,000sqft) to make
LEED model?

- What software I used to make my models? which one is free or which
another is paid? is this going to make any difference with final price?

- Do you have any way to compare "LEED" certification building model
hour price, with some "energy evaluation" building model hour price? to
make my own comparisons?

- *Pasha?s* professional LEED hour rate it?s 60% over professional
typical hour for whatever we are modeling without pursuing any

- some countries have very poor thermal standards, and we always are
looking outside to make the difference to get/offer something better (in
order to sustainability and eficiency) than 'we have'.

- competition: small economies where few building are made per year
(always comparing with USA or CA or Europe), how can I get prices agreement
with my competition?

- is it convenient to work on a project in an advanced design stage that
suddenly wants to pursue LEED certification where we didn?t be before (I
mean, have been part of the design team)?

- can we do something similar to PassivHaus or BREEAM certification?

I think that?s all.
Thanks in advance and I?ll be waiting for any comments.

best greetings.

*Cristian Jara Toro*

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Joined: 2012-05-03
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