Dear All,
Looking at the LEED submittal form for the IEQ Pr1 Minimum Indoor Air
Quality Performance I am really confused. Having assumed that this will be
very easy with a constant volume system that works only with 100% outdoor
air (no recirculation), I see now that the form requires entering Ev
(system efficiency) values for each zone???
First of all, isn't this meaningless? 62.1 standard uses Ev values for
systems that are multiple-zone and recirculating. What is the point in
entering an Ev value for each zone?
Second, since I am forced to enter this value (otherwise the form does not
calculate), what do you suggest I enter? My system is constant volume and
rates that are 30% higher than 62.1 requirements are ducted to each zone
without recirculation. Slightly less airflow rates are achieved for
exhaust, again ducted from each zone and exhausted directly to the outisde
without any recirculation.
Thanks for any replies,