Yesterday I received notice that over 100 people
unsubscribed from BLDG-SIM all at the same time. This was
very suspicious and so today I manually resubscribed those
people to the mailing list. Most of the messages were for
subscribers with Yahoo or Hotmail addresses although there
were some others as well. Upon investigation I believe it
was the automatic "bounce" processing of the mailing list
software that got tripped up from a change by Yahoo back in
April. Essentially, the mailing list keeps track of messages
that get bounced back from certain addresses and if it
happens too often it assumes that the person has abandoned
that email account and unsubscribes them from the mailing
list. Unfortunately, because of a way Yahoo has marked some
of its messages, this is happening erroneously. I am not
sure what I can do about it at this point but will continue
to investigate. Here is an article about the whole topic:
If you have a Yahoo or Hotmail address (or any other
address, I suppose) and at some point in the future notice
that you are not receiving email from the BLDG-SIM mailing
list, please check the archives and see if you really have
missed any email:
If you have, please try to resubscribe by sending a blank
email to:
bldg-sim-subscribe at
If this happens more than once, please let me know.
Sorry for the inconvenience.
Jason Glazer, P.E., GARD Analytics, 90.1 ECB chair
Admin for building performance mailing lists