Adapt4EE Visual Analytics tool

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Dear BLDG-SIM users,

Let me introduce you to the Adapt4EE
Project funded by the EU FP7.
Adapt4EE aims at augmenting
the contemporary architectural envelope by incorporating business and
occupancy related information thus providing a holistic approach to the
design and evaluation of the energy performance of construction products at
an early stage and prior to their realization.

Some tools have been developed in the context of the project to help
Designers and Engineers to decide among the proposed building designs. One
of these tools, Visual Analytics, is ready to be tested by the
professionals involved in building simulation. We invite you to download
the Visual Analytics tool
. The user manual is
installed with the tool, it can be found under the help menu. After your
test we kindly request you to fulfill this questionnaire
. This is of great
importance for our Project and we thank you in advance for you

For any additional information, please contact to adapt4ee_support at

Best Regards,

Marina Vidaurre

mvidaurre at's picture
Joined: 2012-05-21
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