My building has three floors.?
There are 12 rooftop units (chillers and condensers)
There are 12 Air Handling Units located at the respective floors.
2 split AC units with condensers on the roof
1 packaged rooftop unit
First floor:?
3 zones?
zone 1 unconditioned
zone 2 separate roof top unit and AHU?
zone 3 separate rooftop unit and AHU?
Second floor
6 zones
Zones 1 to 5 each with separate rooftop unit and AHU?
Zone 6 (server room) two separate split AC units with rooftop condensers
Third floor
6 zones
Zones 1 to 5 each with separate rooftop unit and AHU
Zone 6 (meeting room) separate packaged rooftop unit
Please let me know how this can be modeled in eQuest. I am using the DD Wizard.
Fakeha Sehar