About Functions...

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I am a new eQuest user working to learn the program, and I am
currently nailing down the process of setting and using global
parameters to perform parametric runs. I am proficient with the
wizards and generally find the DD interface to be intuitive, but I'm a
bit stumped by BDL expressions:

I followed the "Modeling Procedures Quick Reference" pdf to learn how
to manipulate parameters and glass types, but I assume there must be
many other functions that perform other adjustments--where can I find
a complete list of functions?

For reference, the functions I've worked with are:
parameter("global parameter")
SymIndex(#pa("global parameter"),"WINDOW","GLASS-TYPE")

But let's say I wanted to change a door's glass type, or a wall's
insulation type--are there a multitude of other functions available to
eQuest users?


-Taylor Sharpe

Taylor Sharpe Energy Modeler Sharpe Energy Solutions
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Joined: 2011-09-30
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