4 - 1 Create Geometry - OpenStudio standard shapes method + editing

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Hi everyone. Now I will start a new exercise for you guys. In this exercise I will try to explain as much as I can. I will definitely make some mistakes on purpose, so that you will know how to take care of them. In case you have any questions related to this OpenStudioplug-in,you can always reach back to us either through our email, or you can always comment back on simulate.energy, all right. Before I jump on a SketchUp interface, I would like to explain to you the SketchUp workflow that I like to use. I like to run the script, the OpenStudio script, to bring some space types and a construction set in my project. It's, again, a kind of OpenStudio measure that brings a library for you for schedules, as well as for lighting loads, as well as a lot of other information that I will explain later.Then I create a space geometry for everyone. And then, I mean, if you are familiar with SketchUp, you can totally do this process. Then I assign properties to these spaces,thenassign some controls to my spaces. Something like daylighting controls, or shading controls. Then I create thermal zones, in the thermodynamics part that I explained in my previous video. Then I refined individual properties, and then just run the simulation in OpenStudiointerface, all right.

This is a general workflow, it has so many things to do. Let me jump back to SketchUp interface. If you have SketchUp interface installed on your computer, please open it. This is how my interface looks like. I'mgoing to delete this space, this dummy, I'm sorry,I think SketchUp people call it Steve. Let's delete Steve here. And, how do I like to start my process? First, I click on this new OpenStudio model from wizard script, that you see in OpenStudio toolbar. This is an OpenStudio toolbar here, click on it, and it asks you whether you want to save your current model. I'm starting from a clean slate here. You can see there's nothing on my SketchUp interface, so I need not to worry about saving it for now. Just hit No, and then it will bring a new window for you, the user input window. It's a great way to start your model with a reasonable template. You can provide some input, something like building type. You can see there are multiple options here, something like hospitals, large hotel, midrise apartment, office, retail, a lot of other things,okay.

I'm going to select something like office for now. Templates. Well, you can select different kinds of performance standard templates here. Most common ones are ASHRAE90.1. You have two options right now it seems, 2007 and 2010. Let's select 90.1 2010 for now. Climate zone. Well, Let's model a building in San Francisco, which is climate zone 3C. I'm going to select 3Cclimate zone here, and the rest of the information can be either true or false. I want to create space types for my building type as office, the construction set, as well. I would like to bring more information, so let's hit OK here, all right. Now it says the model has thirteenspace types and one construction set. Hit OK, and it will give you a new warning that, hey, if you have a project which has mixed-use, you can bring more space types in this project by clicking a new script that I will explain later,okay.Hit OK. Now, I will go to inspector tool. Maximize it, and I will show you how I got the space type in my project.

In the OpenStudio resources,I explained to you earlier that I have, I can create OpenStudio resources in my project that I can use again and again. Click on space types, you can see there different kinds of space types in my project. Break room, closed office, conference, electric/mechanical room, lobby, open office, restroom, and so on. They are based on 90.1 2010 compliance, so all the values, for example, all the lighting loads will be OS 90-point 2010 compliance, all right. If you look at other resources, something like a section set, you have all these little properties here. You have wall insulation,you have roof insulation, windows, and all based on 90.1 2010 compliance that we have selected, okay.

Right now, you can't see all the properties here in detail, but for now, we just need to assign those properties to air spaces. And, you can totally edit them later in OpenStudiointerface. Then again, you have schedule set here,each and every space type has its own schedule set.A schedule set has differentkinds of schedules. It's basically a set. Let's say,an open office can have different kind of schedules, right. It can have one schedulefor occupancy, one for lighting,one for electric equipment, gas equipment, and all. This schedule set brings all that information for you automatically.You can either create it manually,or you can at least start with this library, and later update it as per your building usage, all right. Now, we have thirteen schedule sets, thirteen space types, and one construction set.

That construction set is been assigned to building level. That's what we mentioned in user input. You can see this construction set has been assigned at building level. Technically all this information, all this construction set information should flow to the downward levels, something like, at space level, space type level,sub surfaces, and surfaces, okay. If you go to spaces right now, I don't have any space, so we can go to space types now. You can see we don't have any properties assigned at a construction set here for space types. It means all these spaces are still using the properties, the installation properties, that you have provided at the topmost level, which is building level, all right. What else, you can see that we have assigned a space type at building level. Well,there is no need, you can remove it. Or you can keep it because, anyways, we are going to assign the space types separately at space level, all right. Let's close this window for now, all right.

What I'm going to do now is, I'm going to bring more space types in my project.I'm just going to assume that my building is an, is a mixed-use building. Let's go to extensions. Go to OpenStudio, and,I'msorry. Go to OpenStudiouserscript, go to on-demand template generator,and click on the space types, and construction set wizard. Again,extensions, then OpenStudio userscript,and on-demand template generators. Click on this option, space type, and construction set wizard. Same user input window, let's say building type is mid-rise apartment, we have apartments on 2nd and 3rd floor. Template, again,let's say 90.1 2010.Climate zone should be same, of course.

And, this time you don't want to bring a new construction set in your project. Let's just assume that each and every wall, each and every window is made of the same material. Let's hit false, for create construction set. Yes, you definitely want to assign the space type,or create the space type. Andhit OK. Now, you will see that the model has sixteen space types and one construction set.It brought three new space types in your project.Just go to space types in OpenStudio resources, and you can see there are three new space types for mid-rise apartment; apartment corridor and office.And, the rest of them are, like, they are related to the office building use type, okay. Hit close, now.

Now, I will explain to you the second step here in workflow, create geometry for spaces, all right. In OpenStudio there are different ways to create geometries. As Iexplained to you in the previous video. You can go to OpenStudio, import an IDF file,and it can start from there. It is useful when you already have an existing IDF file or an EnergyPlus file, and you just want to bring more information on that geometry. Well, there are other ways to do it you can import a GB XMLfile, you can import an SDD file. These are some import methods.Again, like you need to have some information already there on your computer to import. What if you need to create everything from a scratch? Again,there are different ways to do it. First,very important way is, to use the standard shape method. It's here, go to extensions,OpenStudiouserscripts,create standard building shapes, and they're different kinds of shape options here, okay.

But, before I do anything, I'm just going to save my model here. I can either save both SketchUp and OpenStudio files, or just OpenStudio file. For now I'm going to save only OpenStudiofile, because that's what I need. Hit save OpenStudio model as, in OpenStudiotool bar here. Click on it and just rename it with some timestamp.I'm just going to rename it something like, June 13_SketchupClass_v0835am,okay. This time stampprovides me some information like, hey,that it was saved on June 13th at 8:35 a.m. Save.Now, go back to extensions, go to OpenStudio userscript,go to create standard building shapes,and just choose any option you want. You can actually combine different kind of flow plans, different shape flow plans, to create your project. Again, you need to do some kind of pre-process for that. But again, if you are not familiar with SketchUptools, you can totally use this standard shape method.

Let's start with a complicated shape, something like add shape, at shape flow plan. It brings a new user input window for you. It's a kind of bug here, where you need to provide all the information in meters, it doesn't allow you to provide information in feet,even if we are working in feet. Kind of bug, you can fix it if you are a coder,but let's just move forward with this.I'm going to provide some basic information. Let's say, building length is 35 meters, left width is 28 meters,center width, let's say, 12 meters, number of floors can be 3, floor to floor height,let's say 4.5 meters, plenum height, 1 meter should be good,perimeter zone depth, let's make it 3.5 meters.

After looking at all those numbers one more time, click OK. And, this is kind of an OpenStudio measure that we're in. Remember, I mentioned to you that OpenStudio'sare some small, tiny scripts,that actually reduce your workload. It does something for you real quick, in like, seconds, so you need not to create everything from scratch. Again, see it's a kind of an H shape. Like, you know, I customized it, I gave it different kinds of input, so, it'sa kind of weird H shape,but it is an H shape, okay. I can play around with this.I can actually on double click on all these spaces and make windows, using SketchUp tools. Again, very important guys, if you are not familiar with SketchUp, you can actually write us down, we will try to help you out with some SketchUp tutorials. We can work with you, we just need to provide you some heads up on using different kinds of SketchUptools.I'm going to explain to you,like, everything in detail. But again, if you find something difficult for SketchUp, you can either go to YouTubeand look for some videos, or you can always reach back to us and we'll try to help you as much as we can, all right.

In SketchUp there is a, there is a concept here, a group concept, or a space concept. What you can do, you can actually connect, or group out all these surfaces related to one space. We call it a group. Right now, for example, if I select this space here, all these surfaces are connected together. If I delete this, or move this,let's say, if I move this like this, everything will move with this, okay. It's a kind of group.I'm just going to fix it one more time,because, as I mentioned to you earlier,OpenStudio has very limited undocapabilities. I can't just click Ctrl C.I'm trying to make these mistakes on purpose, so that you know how to work on it later when you are using it. Again,can you see like, you know, this space didn't move properly. I need to do it one more time. You need to be very precise about it,and I know it's very difficult. For now, I mean, can you see like, you know, everything is screwed here. Like if I Ctrl C, it will definitely bring more problems in my project. I'm just going to delete it for now,delete it. Because, if you don't have enough time to work on that screwed up model. Just click on this H shape again,H. And, make some changes in user input,and hit OK. This is my H shape now.

I was like, trying to explain to you a group concept. You can see this is a group here.If I need to edit this group, I can't just like, you know, work on it. I just need to double click on it, and now you can see the environment changed. Let me do it one more time. I am,I'm not in any group. If I click on it once, it just selects everything for me. But, there is no environment change here. Now I'm going to double click on it, and you can see it allows me to select all these surfaces one by one. Now,I'm inside this group and I can customize it, I can edit it, all right. Double click on any of the group, and use these SketchUp tools to edit the OpenStudio spaces. Again,it's very complicated. We have used OpenStudio scripts to createOpenStudio spaces. But, to edit these spaces, you need to use SketchUptools.

The SketchUp environment is just a medium to create your OpenStudiogeometry. You don't create any SketchUpspaces. You create OpenStudio spaces usingSketchUp tools. Very important concept here guys, don't forget. If I want to edit or I want to create some windows in this space, I just need to double click on it, like this. Click on it, click on this rectangle tool here in the SketchUptoolbar. Or you can use line as well. Just create some windows, okay. I can use line as well, try to create some polygons or actually a rectangle, and you can totally do that.

Did you notice that,when I created, when I created these windows, the rendering automatically changed the color scheme. This is generallywhat you see for OpenStudio color scheme, here inSketchUp. Walls are always orangish in color, roof is always brown in color, windows are always transparent blue in color,floor is always gray in color. If I create a door,let's say, if I start from the edge here, the bottom edge. You can see, the door is brown in color. A Different kind of brown shape, but yes,brown. You can totally tell which one is the roof, which one is the window, and which one is the wall, right. Same with a skylight. If I create one skylight here, it will be transparent blue in color. You can see it'stransparent. If you don't see these kind of, kind of color schemes on your projects, it means there is something wrong, you need to fix it. For example,a lot of times people don't double click on spaces and they just create the windows or surfaces over the groups, like this. Can you see, this is not,this is not transparent,it is something else. It is not like this,there's a huge difference. In this case either you just double click on this surface and delete it, or you can actually perform another, what do you say, if you can run one more script here, I'll explain toyou later.

What I have created, this window, my mistake on top of the group. I was supposed to double click on it, but I didn't do it.I can run one more function here, or one my script. Just select this surface, the bad surface, go to OpenStudio, go to modified model, and this,click on this, this script, project loose geometry. Again,extensions, then OpenStudio, modify model,and project loose geometry. Click on it, and it says, do you want to project selected loose geometry, or project all loose geometry. Let's click on project all loose geometry. And again,do you remember I said OpenStudio has limited undo capabilities. It says warning, this will create new geometry in your spaces. This operation cannot be undone, do you want to continue. Well, if you are not sure about this function, I would suggest that you make a new version of this file. Again, go back to saveas, and just rename it as a new version,let's say,0845am. Save it, and now run this script. If something goes bad, you can at least go back to your previous version, open it, and start working on it, all right.

I'm going to run this script here. Again, extensions,OpenStudio, modify model, and project loose geometry. Click all, okay. And now, you can see that bad surface is fixed.It's inside my group. What if I want to delete this window which I have created? Again, I can't do undo, I can't click Ctrl C. And, you need to be very precise when you are working in your OpenStudio energy model. You have to be precise creating, in creating geometry in any other software, as well. A lot oftimeswhat people do, they just click this window and delete it.Well, this is a very wrong way. Can you see,now I have just a huge puncture in my space, which is quite wrong. Now I need to fix this first. What I need to do is, I need to select all these vertices, all edges of the window, delete them one by one.Again, very precise, just like one at one time, and hit delete, and come out of it. Now, this problem has been fixed. Let me just create this window one more time.And, let me explain to you, if I need to,delete this window perfectly. Double click on this space, get inside the group,and double click on this window. When you double click in SketchUp, it selectsall the associated objects. For example,this window has one surface and fouredges, right. If I just click on it once, it selects only the surface. But, if I double click on it, it selects all the associated objects.Can you see,it's selected the edges as well.

Now, I can hit delete, and it will delete that window perfectly. Again,you need to be very precise in creating geometry. You can also give those windows, as for the dimension. What you need to do is, you need to use this measure tool to create a grid pattern kind of thing. Or, at least create some kind of,I would say, a frame from where you want to start a window. For example,my frame starts with a distance of,let's say,12 inch from this edge. I am going to give some dimensions from my keyboard.12 inch, you can see here the dimension changes here. Let me just do it one more time if you are confused. To create the grid, or at least guideline, I should say guideline.

To create the guideline I just need to create this tape measure tool. It does two different functions. It measures things for you, as well, it also helps you out to create the guideline. Click on it, click on this tool,click on this edge, move towards right hand side, and just provide some dimensions from keyboard 12",and hit enter. Can you see this is my grid pattern here, or actually, guideline here. Same thing here from ground 12 inches hit enter, okay. This is my grid pattern here. I'm sorry, guidelinehere. I can just start creating the windows from this edge, or this corner. Give some dimensions, as well.Select this corner here, and give some dimensions from your keyboard. Let's say,in inches, it can be something like 36", 48". Just look at the dimensions at left hand side bottom, hit enter. Can you see this is my window here. I can double click it Ctrl C, and use Ctrl V method.

I can do a lot of things. You just need to be familiar with SketchUp, okay. There different ways to work on geometry. You just need to be familiar with the SketchUptools here. One more thing. How to create a door. Well, I already explained to you earlier, let me just do it one more time. Double click on a space, click on this rectangle, or maybe,let's say, line this time, and start from the ground edge. Say,dimensions of 8', hit enter, then 4' width for our door, and click the bottom edge. Can you see this is my door? That's how you work on windows.

What you can do, you can either click on different spaces by using SketchUptools, you can create the windows like this, the way that I'm trying to do. You can create multiple windows, or you can just create a long slit. You can also create some skylights here. Or, you can select specific spaces, like this, by using your shift and mouse key. Go to extensions,OpenStudio userscript, alter all add model elements, and use this last, the last script in the list, set window to wall ratio. Again, extensions,OpenStudiouserscript, alter or add model elements, and then, set window to wall ratio, click on it. Again, this is an, this is an OpenStudio measure that reducesyour workload significantly. Let'sprovide some inputs here. Window to wall ratio maybe 60%, point 6 fraction, offset meters from ground, let's say, 1 meter,and hit OK. Can you see these spaces? What we selected, they have window towall ratio of 60%. Or, you can select all these faces, both extensions,OpenStudio userscript, alter or add model elements, and set window to wall ratio,let's say 0.75 percent this time. Maybe offset of one meter from ground, and hit OK, all right.

There are different ways to work on this geometry. This is one of the standard methods, what a lot of people use in their workflow. I also like to use it a lot of times, what, again, I need to do a lot of pre-processing before this. For example, what if I want to bring new geometry beside this H shape wall. I can go to extensions, again,OpenStudio userscript, create standard building shapes. But for that, before that, I want to move this existing H shape from origin because the new,that new block will also come on, and also locate itself on origin. You don'twant to overlap these two blocks to each other,okay. Let me just go back to that script again. Create standard building shapes. Let's say, this time it can be rectangle. Or, let's say, maybe Ushape, something interesting. Make some changes in your inputs.I'mjust going to make some changes, please do that at your end as well. Our floor to floor height can be 4.5 metersthis time. Parameter zone depth can be 3.85, and hit OK,all right. This is my U shape. I can move this H shape building block by using the move tool next to this, okay. Let's say this is my project. This is the move tool by the way, if you are not familiar with this SketchUp tool.You need to click on it, actually, you need to select these spaces.

Let's say,I'm selecting this H shape block, using my mouse. And then, I can use this move tool.Click on the move tool, click on the screen again, and just move it here and there. Guys, if you have any problem related to these tools, you can actually use the help section here. Let me just find it for you. Go to windows, default tray, and it should be instructor, if I'm not wrong. Let me just do it one more time,instructor. Window, default tray, and hit instructor. Can you see thisinstructor tool gives you a detailed information on these different kind of tools. For example, I have clicked on the move tool. It allows you to work on it easily,it explains you what it does, how to work on it, what happens when you click on, like, certain things. Make sure that you use this instructor tool. Click online,it explains to you how to work on the line tool. Maybe extrude tool. In case you are not familiar with SketchUp tools,please either go through YouTube videos, or at least look at these instructions, all right.

This is my project,I want to make some changes in this U-shaped building. One more thing here before I move further. If I click and move my mouse from left to right,like this, it selects everything, whatever is there inside this selection. Can you see it just selected only those spaces which are inside this rectangle, the selection rectangle command. But, if I do it from right to left,let's select everything, whatever touches this rectangle, like this. Again, you need to understand how your mouse works when you are working on the SketchUpinterface, it's very important, okay. Select this H shape, do whatever you need to do, or maybe provide some window wall ratio to this U-shape building. Sameway, go to extensions, OpenStudiouserscript, alter or add model elements, setwindow to the wall ratio. 0.6 again, offset can be 0.5 this time, hit OK, okay. This is the first way to generate the OpenStudio geometry. Thank you.