29 - Start PAT (Parametric Analysis Tool)

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This is a Harshul Singhal,and today we will talk about parametric analysis tool. Or, we could also call it PAT. PAT, it'sin its new format, they released a new format somewhere by the starting of 2017.They are totally redesigned their graphical user interface. And, I don't think you can even access the older version unless you have the PAT 1.4,I'm sorry, the OpenStudio 1.4 installed on your system. Right now,PAT 1.X version is not even compatible. But, the new workflow,or the new graphical interface for PATis very close to what it used to be back in the days. It's very easy to use. You can run the simulations, or these parametric analysis on your system itself. Or, you can actually run them on the Amazon Web service, as well. But, for this class I won't teach you how to run the simulation on Amazon Web service. In case you need more help with that,please reach back to us on our email ID, all right. What is the purpose of parametric analysis tool. Well,first of all, it actually allows you to create different kinds of measures combinations to run the parametric analysis, or different kind of simulations. For example, you want to understand the difference, the energy consumption difference between two runs, where, in first one you have, let's say, wall insulation of R25 and lighting power density of 0.5 watt per square feet. But, for next, or second combination of measures you have R value of, let's say, R40, and the lighting power density is 0.35. You can create those combinations manually.You can run all those measures, different permutations and combinations, and get to know then the difference between energy consumption and even peak demand for all yourfuse,okay. It can also help you to optimize your designs. You can calibrate your model easily and do so many things, okay. What exactly you need to do is, you need to just go to your windows search, window explorer, and look for parametric analytics 2. Open this, it might take some time if you are the first-time user. And, because we are studying everything from scratch, I will click on this, make new project option,okay. And, provide the name, let's say, it's TESA_example,and continue,okay. And, I will ask you where you want to save your project.I just save it on my desktop in the same folder,let's say, I'll just create a new folder, PAT. And, what will happen, it will also create all the associated files for you. For example, when you run this simulation,let's say, you have 15 measures, or 15 combinations running on your system. It will also get 15 separate folders for you. What will happen, all those measures will be implemented in your seed model, which is your OSM file, OpenStudio file that you need to provide. It is also known as baseline model,okay. For example, in first measure,or, the combination of measures,you have R15 wall, lighting power density of 0.5 watt per square feet,radiant floor system. Then PAT will implement all those measures in your seed model. It won't make these permanent changes in the base model, in the base blind OSMfile. But, it will create a new file, or it will duplicate your baseline file. And then, implement all those measures, all right. Your seed model, or your baseline model will always be safe, okay. All right. Let me just explain to you the terminology here, or how this interfacelooks like. It's very close to what OpenStudio is. Your file, where you have all those new open-save options,thenedit, cut, copy, paste. Then some language option for you, full screen,developer tools option. I'm not going to explain these developer tools in this introduction class. Then you have those window sub menu, where you have those BCLlibrary options, the my measuredirectory option, and help at the end,okay. There are six tabs here on this side, on left-hand side. The first one is where you provide, you a select which kind of analysis you want to run. In case you just want to run things on your own computer and like manual method, just go with it. If you want to run algorithm method, you can select the algorithm, what can algorithm you want, analysis files, a lot of other things. It is all for, it is all for advanced users, for now. I mean you can see, if you are aware of these algorithm methods you can have something like, LHS method, design of experiments,BSO, so many of them. But for now, we just use the manual method, which is the easiest for now. The second you need to provide is your baseline model, your seed model. Just so that we don't get confused here, I would use our baseline model, the OSM file which we already have created as seed model, okay. Then you need to provide your weather file. Then you can have those OpenStudio measures,EnergyPlus measures, and reporting measures that you can provide, okay. Well, good thing is,in PAT, you can always create a seed model or baseline model for your project. And, you can run them for different sides. In case you just want to show the difference between, let'ssay, fan coil unit system versusVAV with reheat. You need not to create everything from scratch. Just bring your seed model here, and run the, bring the new weather file, and run this simulation. It will just give a good approximation of savings, all right. Next tab is where you do all the permutation combination.I will explain you this later. The third one is, in case you have algorithm method selected, then you have a lot ofdifferent kinds of output options here.Well, if you are in manual method you won't see anything here. The fourth tab is where you run the simulations. Fifthone is where you see all these summary.And, the sixth one is, it provides you all the information of your server,okay. Let's go to the first tab and see what exactly we need to do. And, as I mentioned, we are going to select analysis as manual method. We can just go to the next step, which is to bring this seed model. Very important thing before you bring any seed model here, make sure that you have your seed model workingfine. For example, I have this OpenStudiomodel already on my screen which we have created on August 22. I already have ran the simulation, and it worked fine for me. I'm going to use this file as my seed model, okay. I will go back toPAT,and bring this file as seed model. It'son my desktop,OpenStudio webinar. And,this is the file that I am working on right now, bring it on. And then,you alsoneed to provide the weather file. I just go to myEnergyPlus folder in weather file data. I'll go and select this San Francisco EPW file. Now, what I need to do is I need to bring some OpenStudio measures. If I click on this add measure, you can also select this BCL in filter options. For example, the type is only OpenStudio right now, I don't see any EnergyPlus and reporting method. Let's say, what if, if I just want to see lighting measures,okay.Okay,that's good. Now, I have all lighting measures available.The first thing that I want to bring is, reduce lighting power density, okay. Let's say, I mean, first of all,you have to download all those measures in your computer, on your computer, as I mentioned earlier. The thing that I want to bring here is this,reduce lighting loads per percentage. You need to get familiar with the interface, here. Here, in this add column,I just click on this plus sign and it will bring this measure on my screen, plus sign, okay. Then, what else should we bring. Let's bring something related to envelope. I'll bring something like, increase R-value of insulation for exterior wall. Click on this plus sign, here. In case you want to add these measures or copy create a copy,you can always do that. You can always create a new measure, here. I won't get going into that much detail for now. But, let's go and bring some more measures, here. The next thing that I want to bring is this,exterior wall one. Then,same thing with roof, increase the R-value of roof, plus sign. And, let's say, what else can we bring, maybe something related to HVAC systems, all right. Let's say, other thing is with HVAC systems, you need to bring so much information. But, let's say, we just want to change the economizer controls, so, plus sign,okay. Let's say, what else can we bring here. I can bring something from equipment. Let's say, do yes something, which can reduce the equipment load. Reduce my time electric equipment load,okay. Plus sign here, as well.And, I think that should be good. We can go to the reporting measure because we need to bring some OpenStudioreporting measures, as well. In case you want to see a reporting, OpenStudio results, you need to bring this, as well. Please click, plus sign.And, that should be okay, for now.Hit, OK. Now, you can see, we have five different OpenStudio measures and one reporting measure. Now, we have are good to move to the next tab. In case you want to bring more OpenStudio measures,feel free. I just want to run these measures real quick,five should be enough for us. And, go to next step where you are going to create different alternatives, or different permutations and combinations. Click on this, add alternative. The first one that I want to call it as, baseline measure. Let's say,ASHRAE 90.1baseline,okay. Then you can also change the weather file. In case you want to change the seed model here itself, I won't do that. You can provide a description. And, I'm sorry, I actually skipped one step. Let's just keep it here, go back to the next step,the previous step. You also have to create the measure options here, for each and every measure. For example, for lighting, right now there is no measure,we did not provide any lighting power reduction or any cost figures for life cycle cost analysis. Click on this,addmeasure option, here. You can rename this measure if you want, provide the description. But, I am going to click on this add measure option, and rename this to something like, LPD reduction 50%, okay.50, thatshould be good. I want to do it for entire building, I can change it for any specific space type, if you want. I can change this lighting power density to,let's say, 50%. That reduction is 50%.You can provide the installation cost,let's say,it's point watt, what is the unit, here. It's, okay, this is percentages. We have to provide some percentage.Let's say it increases the cost by 25%,okay. And, I think that should be good. I can create another measure option, which is,let's say, LPD reduction, 35%, okay.This number can be 35, now. Sorry, here, 35.And, this, let's say, this number goes to 20%,okay. The reduction in cost,I'msorry,the increase in material installation cost is just by 20%. Okay, makessense now. Now, the next measure is, increase the R-value of installation for exterior wall. I can create two options for this,as well. Let's say, first one is R25 wall.You can provide description if you want,change the installation value to R25, do you want to provide increase and decrease in R-value, yes. In case what you have R30 provided for wall in your baseline, you also want to check this option, which allows you to increase and decrease the R-value. Increase in material costs, what is the unit, here.Make sure that you always check the units. The unit is dollar per square foot. Let'ssay, $1 per square foot, and that should be good. I can create another option. This time it's R35 wall. This value can be R35. And, the cost increase is, let's say, it's 1.2 dollar per square feet, okay.The next option can be for roof. I can create one measure real quick for this. Let's say, it's R40 roof, all right.And, you can just provide cost, let's say,$1 per square feet. It's quite high, 0.5 dollar per square feet of construction area, okay. And, do you want toallow increase and decrease, yes. The next one is enable economizer control, create,add measure, option.And, you can change this name, as well.Let's say, economizer type. And, you can provide the control type, let's say, it's fixed dry bulb this time. The temperature is let'ssay 65, or let's say, 65 isokay for now, okay. And, economizerminimum limit is -148 for now is good. And then, next, or the last measure is reduce night time electric equipment loads. You can rename it to,night time plug loadreduction.And, it said pick an electric definition for the first option, okay. I can do it for one specific definition,let's say, it's for closedoffice. Fraction value for time nightload, okay.We can reduce this to only 10% of the peak load, or maybe let'ssay,0.05, for now. And, apply schedule changes to weekday anddefault profile, yes. Then they have provided the weekday default time to startnight time. The default is 6pm, 18, looks fine. Let's change to maybe, 19, for now. Weekday default to end night time fraction, 9:00 a.m. morning, I would change it to 8 a.m. And,apply schedule to Saturday, yes. Saturday night, time to start night time fraction, okay. 6pm looks fine to start night for weekday, or let's make it, 4pm.And,Saturday night to end night time fraction 9:00 a.m. is all right.Apply schedule changes to Sundays, Sunday night time to start night time fraction 6:00 p.m. I would change it to 2 p.m. And, Sunday night time to end night fraction is 9:00 a.m., good for now. My material installation coils, let's say,it's a zero, because we can, like, manage those kind of controls for free. In case you already have the system install, FYI. And, the last measure is OpenStudio results module. I can create one measure which will allow us to create report, it will provide all this summary you see here,okay. Everything is true. Let's go to the next tab and create some alternatives. You can see in the first alternative that it allows you to select those measure options that we have created. For example, reduce plug load by percentage, its none for baseline. For roof and wall insulation, the none,okay. Enable, economic economizer control, I want to keep it, none.Reduce nighttime control, none. OpenStudio results, yes, for sure. The next alternative can be,let's say, alternative one. I mean, you can rename them properly,I would just keep them as it is for now.Ready use night lighting load per percentage,let's select 35%reduction. Increase R-value of wall,let's say,R25 wall. R-value for roof, R40. Enable economic economizer control, yes.Reduce night time electric load reduction, yes. And, report, yes.And, this, there can be another option which is, alternative 2. Select the lighting load by 50%. Let's say, the R-value is R25, roof, R40, economizer control,let's say, none for now. Night light reduction, yes, report, yes, okay. Let's create two more options real quick.There might be a chance that some of these runs will crash on you for any reason. Let's say I'm going to select LPDreduction-35, R-value for wall 35, roof value, R40. Economizer control, yes, nighttime, yes, and option one, okay. Alast alternative. You can imagine your,I mean,there's so much work happening here, right now. You can make the permutations and combinations of these measure options here, on this screen. And,you can understand these savings and energy consumption figures easily through this PAT tool. It will create the graphs for you, it will create the detailed reports for you. And, once you are satisfied, let's say, with alternative 3,here, you can actually download this OpenStudio file which will have all those OpenStudio measures permanently install, these measures that we are providing for it. For example, this alternative 3, when you download its OSM file, it will have its 35 percent reduction in LPD's.35 wall installation, R40 roof, and so on.Alternative 4, let's say, it's R50, again. None for roof,I'm sorry, none for wall. R40 for roof. Economizer control, yes. No nighttime reduction, and report measure, all right. We have 5 runs, here. If you go to next screen, you need not to do anything here because it'sonly for algorithm methods. And now, in the last tab, I'm sorry, the next step you have to run this workflow. Just click on this entire workflow in case you want to run each and every alternative, here. Run entire workflow, and it showed me anerror, that hey, there is an illegal character in alternative design,let'ssee why. Okay, maybe it's not liking that dot, you can see, the nomenclature needs to be well-defined it seems. Like here, it doesn't like this dot. I'mjust going to remove it and say ASHRAE901 baseline. Now, go to this tab, run tab,and click on this,run entire workflow. It's going to start the analysis for me and might take some time. I'm just going to wait and watch it here, okay.And, you can see, I save my folder in this PAT subfolder example. And,you can see I have all those information saved in this folder. Like, there are measures here, all the measures that we brought in our PAT model. Then you have the seed model, that OpenStudio file.Then you have all the data here, all the information is here already. And, when it will run this simulation, I think it, nothing has started yet, okay.These measures have failed on me. It's a good thing that they crashed on me, I can do some troubleshoot for you guys. Let's see what is happening here. You can see if I click on this measure, this tiny arrow kind of thing here, it actually is working for baseline measure it seems. But, for our alternative one, you can see there is one error, I need to see what that error is. If I click on this error sign here, and click on this one. It will show me the error that, hey,it did something with lighting.I don't know,it's not liking that lighting measuressomehow, okay. What I can do, I can just cancel the run,it seems that measure is not working well, the lighting measure. What I can do, I can just delete this lighting measure, for now. This lighting loads per percentage. Maybe the measure is not working on the latest PATversion. It can be possible. But, we still have all those measures. Let's say, if we just keep all those measures for now, those R-value for wall, roof, economize control, and that plug load reduction for night, and then run the simulation, will it work. Let's see, it should work now, I hope so. But,meanwhile, I can show you like, the directory, again. I think it might have made some changes. You can see the directory is still saying the seed measure is there, the local results are there. That's where you saved all those results. The data folder where you get all the data cluster. I wouldn'tgo into that much detail because, like, in case you try to edit them, it can create some errors, permanent errors in your PATmodel, okay. Let's go back to interface and see if it's working now. Seems like it's working fine, for now. When you run this simulation locally, you can run multiple simulations on your screen. Why, because, for example, my computer is an eight core processor machine. In case I want to run simulation,let's say, 14 simulations,I can run 7 simulations at one time.PATwill always keep one core unusedfor your other purpose. For example, in case you're working on presentation,InDesign or Photoshop presentation, youstill need to have one code available for yourself. In case N is the number of OpenStudio, I'm sorry, Nis the number of cores that you got in your computer,PAT will always use N-1 cores, or process,core processors to run the PAT simulations,okay. In case your machine has 16 cores,OpenStudio can run 15 simulations at one time, or actually, PAT. Looks like it, again, crashed on me. I don't know why. Let me just see what is happening here. Looks like there is no error. Still it didn't work, that's kind of weird. Let's see what is happening. Somehow it didn't like those measures,that's kind of weird. Let me just go back to my screen. I think it's still working.Let's say, like, I think the summation is still happening. You can see the analysis is still going on. All right, it crashed on me somehow. Let's see what is happening. Error downloading OSM file. I have no idea why it didn't work on me. Looks like there is no error. But, I can just try to bring some other measures. Looks like some measures are creating some other issues.Maybe I'm not able to make any changes in the economizer. You have to be very precise with your HVAC related measures. For now,I'm just going to try it one more time, otherwise I have to do this class again, from scratch. Let's run these measures,again. Let's see, I deleted that, enable economizer option that we had in our first screen. And, see if it, if this simulation works this time. Mostly PAT has been used for early design studies, anda lot of utility companies,they also want to show you the saving differences, because of different retrofits.PAT can also export the, I'm sorry,in-depth file for you, I will show you how you do that. Which is needed to be exported on different utilityprograms to get, to show these things.