25 - Troubleshooting and post processing

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Hi everyone. It looks like my model crashed on me. See, it failed. Well, good thing is, now we can troubleshoot this model together. If you also have this error, well, let me know, if you have a different kind of error. I want to troubleshoot this error in front of you guys, why I have this issue. I'm going to click on this, show simulation. And, we'll open this eplusout.err file and edit with Notepad++. It says that I have one heating coil, which has some missing properties. Well, it's kind of weird. There's just one heating coil that is, kind of, creating some errors for me, some major errors for me, which is kind of weird. What happens,a lot of times when you make some changes real quick, like the way I did, sometimes you, I mean, the OpenStudio model can't follow them. I don't know what I did because I was playing around with things here and there. Looks like there is oneheating coil that I missed somewhere, which is like, free-floating, okay. I can go to this HVAC system tab, go to my hot water loop, and go through each and every coil, which one is hot water coil 6. My gut feeling says that none of these existing ones are hot water coil 6, but I can check it real quick. One, this one is 10, this one is 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17. I think none these are hot, any of these have this nomenclature, what this error message shows you here.What I'm going to do, I'm going to just open this the file, as well. The file which I am working on in Notepad ++. And, just look for this coil. Just search for the name of this coil, what is happening, okay. Can I just fix it directly here? Oops, sorry.I'm going to ctrl F, ctrl V, here, okay. Can you see there is one heating coil here, which is like free-floating,it is not connected to anything. I think, when I was making multiple changes for you guys, somehow I didn't delete something, and that's the, this is the particular coil that is kept creating some errors. What I'm going to do, I'm going to make a copy of my existing OSM model, here. Save as,as something else. Let's say, troubleshooting. I can rename it to something else. Save as. And, now open this new OSM file in Notepad++. This is the, this way, did I save the file? I need to find it first. Let's see, with this one, okay.I'm going to reopen this in Notepad++. Look for the same thing, again. And, just delete this very precisely. You can see this, the object name. And, it ends up to this semicolon, okay. Delete everything up to this, precisely. Delete it. Save this. Close it, okay. Close everything and open this OpenStudio model one more time. Same file, troubleshoot, which I saved just now, okay. Now I'm going to run this model one more time in front of you, and see if I have an error. If I have another something, you never know, right. There might be some more free-floating cooling coils or heating coils. It's doing some initial processing for you. I have some tariff measures. I have some QA/QC measures,that's why it takes more time. And, let's see what is happening. Well, somehow, did it finish this simulation for me? No, Idon't think so. Let me run it one more time, I don't know what happened. Again, these initial messages, I mean,it's always good for you to even understand like, what is happening, what they try to do. I mean,I'm running these measures for all these OpenStudiomodels for last couple of years. I know what happens. It looks like something is not working fine, here. I don't know why. It doesn'trun simulation properly. I'm going to click on this, show simulation, again. And, somehow it doesn't create the proper files for me. I don't know why, something is wrong. If I go back to my HVAC system tab, and see if, here, everything is fine. Looks fine to me. I don't know why it's not liking something. Let's see if we can run it one more time, here.I'm just going to delete some additional measures in my measure tab. But, it's good that we are going through this troubleshooting because a lot of times people cannot troubleshoot things by themselves, and they need somebody to help them out. This additional time that we are spending here can be very helpful for you in future. You can see there's so many measures, I'm just going to delete them for now. They are creating so much chaos for me. Let's just delete this infiltration and all, calibration. I don't need calibration, for now. I can delete it. I can delete QA/QC measure.I'm just going to keep this output table measure, for now. I want some outputs in IP units. Let's run the simulation, now. If it works this time. As I mentioned to you, I had so much stuff in my model. I had so many measures. Chances are those measures and those additional information are creating problems for me, for my model. It looks like it's working, here. You can see all those initial messages and all. The model is warming up and you can see now simulation is happening for the run period from January 1st, we are in February. Guys, again, this, I can reduce the time frame for this simulation. I can reduce the time step to 1, and the simulation will happen fast. Right now, if I'm not wrong, my time step is 6,which is equivalent to simulation after every ten minutes. Which, takes more time than hourly simulations, what eQUESTdoes for you. Once this thing is done, I can show you the results. We can go through results one more time. And then, I can show you how to post process that data, that information that you get from OpenStudio. I like to just copy the information from EnergyPlus results and use it in an excel sheet to create my own graphs, to create my own charts, okay. It looks like this is done. I can go to the next step, which is, results tab. And, you can see, I have this total kBtu's 38.22. I have overall energy consumption, the total area. And, now you can see, this time we have energy consumption water systems, as well. And, then you have total water consumption as well, okay. This is the great thing in case you need to show some water reduction strategies,OpenStudio is super duper helpful, okay. I also want to check if I have some unmet load hours. Looks like I am in good condition, seven and nineteen, which is fine, as for lead.I'm going to copy this information, this end use energy consumption, here. Copy this, ctrl C, and open excel sheet, and paste it somewhere, here. Let's say, I'm just going to paste it in in my sheet number one, okay. And, just increase the width to make it look better, okay, this looks fine to me, okay. And, even I can change the depth of these rows, okay, all right. This is fine. What I can do, I can go to, I can create a new table or something. I don't know why, I don't see proper numbers, but it's fine for now. I want to copy, I want to create some columns for Nu stripes, that's the heating/cooling. You know what,don't worry about this. I can just copy this exact same information here, or maybe just take this one first, copy, paste it, here. Actually, we stood here, like this, and then fan pumps, and paste, and water systems, okay. What if I want to understand the end use,PEUY, as well predicted energy use intensity.What I can do, I know mine, I can also bring the area figure, which is 18856.I'm just going to provide some information, here. Area equal to 18856. Again,I'm doing something very fast for you guys. You can have your own visualization. Feel free to play around with those things.I'm just showing you my way to do it. For example, this is PUI for my heating, this is PUI for my cooling. And, I can drag it, drop. Drag it here, up to,let's say, increment, I think, yes.I'm sorry.I think it didn't work for me, okay. I need to provide, I need to freeze this number here, F4, I used to, it used to, I can provide all the signs here, and there should be fine. And now, I can draw, and drag it here, like this. And then, for fans, same thing. Same thing for pumps, and for water systems, okay. Looks like I have these numbers. I can create a fancy chart for this, if I want to. I can rename them properly, end use type. PEUY, predicted energy use consumption, okay. Do the proper font sizing. And all that's totally up to you. Let'sdo something real quick here, and, okay. And, even, yeah, okay. Now I have this total, as well. The total PUI is, sum of all this, and this should be 38.22, as for my OpenStudio report. You can see,it's perfect. And now,I'm going to create a chart, a pie chart for this, to understand my energy consumption properly. I don't know why, didn't work. I think I have given an additional row somewhere.I'm just going to delete it.PUI, and now I'm going to do it one more time for you. Okay, well, this time it worked, okay. Again, you can see this is my energy consumption, here. The biggest one is heating, I like to give a proper color coding, as well. Heating should be red, cooling should be,I know, blue. I provide our lighting as yellow color. That's my own nomenclature for colors, as well, actually color coding. You can see now the heating is a biggest, then the next one is this gray one, which is interior lighting. And, water system is this one, this reddish one. Again, like this pie chart can definitely help you to understand the end use tab, energy consumption in your building, okay. There are different ways to post process your data. This is one of the easiest way, using an excel sheet. Please find your own ways to do it, then different ways to do it. As you guys know, you can always create the OpenStudio reports, as well. You just need to provide a measure for that, okay. Guys, that's it for today. We covered a lot more information here, in today's class. I hope you practice it before we meet for the next session, which is going to be next week. Please feel free to reach back to us on our email ID. You can always comment under the videos in case you have any questions, okay. Well, thank you. Have a nice one. Take care, bye.