SIM File Header

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My SIM output file header on the upper left of each page does not show the
current .pd2 file name used to generate the output. It appears that the header
is from the first version of the project that I ran a SIM on.

Is there anyway to change this header to reflect the current .pd2 file name?

Thank you,

Paul Diglio

Paul Diglio's picture
Joined: 2011-09-30
Reputation: 400

You can open your input file (*.inp) from your project folder, and
change the TITLE.
Once you do this, reload your project, and run the simulation. The
header should reflect the new name.
$ ---------------------------------------------------------
$ Title, Run Periods, Design Days, Holidays
$ ---------------------------------------------------------


Umesh Atre's picture
Joined: 2011-09-30
Reputation: 0

I don't know how to change the "TITLE" keywords within the eQUEST
interface for the baseline run. As Umesh said, you have to edit the .inp.

What you can do though is change TITLE in the parametric runs by
selecting TITLE as one of the parametric components. I find this useful
for identifying .sim output files.

bfountain's picture
Joined: 2011-09-30
Reputation: 201