Pump Gas Consumption?

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Dear All,

For my baseline model, involving System 5 Packaged VAV as well as a few System 3's, I am having small but steady gas consumption under the heading "Pumps & Aux". The consumption is about 1,000,000 BTU each month. In total, I have 13,700,000 BTU of pump gas consumption compared to 2,444,700,000 BTU of space heating gas consumption.

Why gas consumption for pumps? Some new technology I do not know about? Or is this something for auxiliary under "Pumps & Aux", which again I have no idea what it could be.

Thanks for any replies,

?mer Moltay, LEED AP

Omer Moltay's picture
Joined: 2011-09-30
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If you have gas-fired humidifiers, they're considered auxiliary power and will be listed under "Pumps & Aux".

Katie Tuttle's picture
Joined: 2011-09-30
Reputation: 0

Can anyone tell me how to get off of this list?


Tim Mense, PE, LEED AP, CEM

Tim Mense's picture
Joined: 2011-09-30
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Its not gas consumption for pumps, but represents energy consumed by the pilot light for the furnace. The new technology has in fact done away with pilot lights, therefore, newer equipments do not consume this energy, and can be set to 0.

When you create a system with gas furnace heat, by default the Furnace Fuel Auxiliary is set at 800 Btu/h.
Change it to 0 and gas consumption under Pump & Aux will disappear.

Please see the excerpt from DOE-2 help and the screen-shot below:

The rate of energy use of the furnace pilot. For a gas-fired furnace, this is the energy consumed by the pilot light when there is no load on the furnace. In this case the program assumes that the pilot light consumption when the furnace is "on" is included in FURNACE-HIR-FPLR. For an oil-fired furnace, FURNACE-AUX is the energy consumed by the spark ignition and the fuel pumping system when there is a load on the furnace. In this case, the auxiliary energy consumed in a given hour is FURNACE-AUX times the part load ratio that hour (therefore, no energy is consumed when there is no load on the furnace). This auxiliary fuel is allocated to the AUX-FUEL-METER.

Best regards,

Gaurav Mehta

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