Multiple roof heights

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Hello -

I am new to eQuest and have been trying to model a sports center in the DD
Wizard. I created the basic plan in autoCAd and was able to trace it in
eQuest. The building has multiple roof heights (flat roof).

My question are:

1) how do we model a building with differnt roof levels.

Thank You.


Pranita Kothuru
pranita kothuru's picture
Joined: 2011-09-30
Reputation: 0


For eQuest, a model requiring multiple roof heights will typically
involve defining multiple shells using the DD wizard. Whenever defining
multiple shells, it's most time efficient to define all aspects of the
first shell (not just geometries) before starting the 2nd, as you'll be
able to copy those inputs at that stage instead of re-entering
everything manually twice. It is not a bad idea however to try creating
your shells defining only geometry first, as a "practice run," to ensure
you understand the process.

When defining adjacent shells - it's best to understand what eQuest will
actually do: the current behavior is to define adiabatic walls between
the adjoining spaces - changing those to 'air' or 'standard' interior
surfaces (in detailed mode, after the wizards) is necessary to model
heat transfer between the spaces.

I've replaced the unrelated discussion below your query with a related
(identical) query from the [Equest-users] mailing list that should help.
The referenced posting by Scott Criswell is attached as well, and helps
to further outline the wizard's behavior.

For future reference, you are most likely to get prompt and helpful
responses for eQuest-specific queries on the [eQuest-users] mailing
list. I'd also advise bookmarking the following archives as well as
another great resource while learning eQuest - as you are learning you
may find questions you come up with are already answered within:

Best of luck!


Nick-Caton's picture
Joined: 2011-09-30
Reputation: 805