GSHP with Horizontal Heat Exchangers

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I'm working with Energy Plus modeling of a zero energy house which
incorporates a ground source heat pump (GSHP) with horizontal heat

However, I cannot find any instance of such a system defined as an Energy Plus model. Examples that I found are all based on vertical bore holes.
Has anyone have experience with Energy Plus modeling of GSHP with horizontal HXs.

Omer Tugrul Karaguzel

tugrul karaguzel's picture
Joined: 2011-10-02
Reputation: 0

Hi there!

I am not an Energy Plus user at all, but you may be interested to know
of a free program: GS2000

This is a simple, small program developed by the Canadians that I rely
on to both size and model Ground loop heat exchangers (GLHX). It's not
as fully featured or user-friendly as I expect some of the for-cost
software packages are out there, but very functional for what it does
cover. The included help files are surprisingly helpful, by the way.
The basic procedure I use in eQuest is to determine the annual
temperature behavior of the GLHX using a periphery program like GS2000,
then to model a simple lake/well-type GLHX with a custom annual
temperature schedule to match the actual behavior of the GLHX.

If nothing else, it's a handy little tool to know about for design/model
verification purposes =). Here is a screengrab showing that a series of
horizontal GLHX sub-types are worked into the program for input:


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Joined: 2011-09-30
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