Exterior Lighting

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Hi Everyone,
I am confused as to what you are supposed to model and what you aren't for exterior lighting. The building I am working on has a very shallow parking lot surrounding it, so the sidewalk lights also cover the parking spaces. So for my baseline do I still include sidewalk lighting and parking lot lighting? I guess my general question is: if the proposed model won't have a type of lighting (my building does have a canopy, but no lighting will be installed on it) do I still model it in the baseline? Technically you are saving energy by installing fewer lights. From what I've read, it seems youre not supposed to model nontradable surfaces (building facades) in the baseline if the proposed doesn't have it. Thanks for the help.

Brian Goldsmith, LEED(r) AP

Brian Goldsmith's picture
Joined: 2011-09-30
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if it is on your site you're supposed to model it in both the baseline
and proposed but don't make up lighting just to put it in the model
(baseline or proposed). no lights = none modeled. the breakout between
tradable and nontradable lighting is shown on the ssc8 template the
electrical engineer/lighting designer fills out if that point is
pursued. if ssc8 is not pursued, or it is a leed 3 project, the same
data is part of the lighting/electrical checklist and can be pulled from

Patrick J. O'Leary, Jr.'s picture
Joined: 2011-09-30
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