Water to water heat pump

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Hi all,

I am trying to model a system which uses a water to water heat pump
running off of a GSHP water loop to preheat the water for the domestic
hot water heater, but I can't seem to find any way to do so. The GSHP
is also being used to supply another set of heat pumps for some suites.
I'm a new user to eQUEST but I've spent some time reading these forums.
Any ideas?


Scalera, Jason's picture
Joined: 2011-09-30
Reputation: 0


you need to be in ddedit mode, go to the "plant" tab (aka water-side tab).
Once in this screen click your mouse on the very top line in your project
tree at the left where it has your project name. Right click your mouse on
the project name and you will see a new window open that lets you select a
type of equipment that you would like to add.

For your choice, choose "add a chiller", then select the chiller of type
water-to-water hp. It will then ask you which loops you will be connecting
too. You will need to have a circulation loop of type "lake/well" created
in order to connect your heat rejection side of the Water-to-water HP. then
you can also link to the CHW & HW loops for your system supply.

see attached screen shot of how to add a new chiller.


Pasha Korber-Gonzalez's picture
Joined: 2011-09-30
Reputation: 600