Verifying parametric run azimuths

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Good morning,

I created parametric runs to run the building rotations. Because I need
to set the baseline azimuth to -21, I created two global parameters:

1. ROTATION DEG (set to 90, 180, and 270)

2. AZIMUTH DEFAULT (set to -21)

Then I defined AZIMUTH to be parameter("ROTATION
DEG")+parameter("AZIMUTH DEFAULT").

I would like to verify that the runs have the correct azimuths. Is
there a way to confirm this in the results or the .inp file?

Thank you,

Jessica K. Miller, EIT, LEED(r) AP

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Joined: 2011-09-30
Reputation: 0

When parametric runs are simulated a new .inp file is generated in the
project folder. Typically it will look like "Project Name - Baseline
Design.inp" for the base file, then each subsequent parametric run will
have a .inp file created with the name "Project Name - X.inp" where X is
whatever number/combination of 3 letters you've named your runs. Each of
the .inp's is a modified version of your base file .inp with the parameters
you defined in your parametric run file (.prd).

Robby Oylear, PE, LEED AP

Robby Oylear's picture
Joined: 2011-09-30
Reputation: 202

Perfect! Thank you!

Miller, Jessica's picture
Joined: 2011-09-30
Reputation: 0

I have been working with EnergyPlus's EMS control module and am curious
if eQUEST has some of the same capability using User Input Expressions.
perform calculations based on other user inputs. Is that correct?

I am trying to model an exhaust fan in a crawlspace that keeps
crawlspace temperature close to the outdoor air temperature. The
sequence is as follows:

- When OA Temp < 32, the EF controls the crawlspace to 32 F
- Above 32 F, the fan cycles on to maintain <10F delta T between the OA

Temp and Crawlspace Temp

This is a relatively easy expression to write in Excel with the hourly
reports, but it would be nice if this can be done in eQUEST. Maybe I
have been spoiled by the E+ EMS controls. Any suggestions?

Tim JohnsonCTA : PE, LEED AP BD+C 

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Joined: 2011-09-30
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