Vent Fans Error

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Hi All,

This is hopefully a quick troubleshooting question. It's been some time
since I last worked on this project. When I run it now, the "vent fans"
energy (shown on the BEPS/U reports amongst others) is off the charts.
After quickly scanning through my inputs, nothing jumped out at me as to
what is causing this. Instead of spending too much more time searching
for the cause, I was wondering if any of you could help me out (I am
hoping the error is obvious and I am just not seeing it). To be clear,
the system I am trying to model is VRV with DOAS in most of the school,
and VAV in the remainder. I believe the error lies in the DOAS system,
but cannot pinpoint it. Any help is appreciated.


Chris Swanson

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Joined: 2011-09-30
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