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Dear Leen

Most weather data quotes the reference wind speed which is that at 10m above the ground as measured at certain weather stations. Adjustment factors are then made for levels of surface roughness, I.e. urban, rural environments. I think the TMY follows the same convention.

Dr Paul Carey

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Unfortunately, historical wind speeds on TMY files that come from NOAA data are from peak 5 minute gusts, which can have little correlation to average hourly wind speeds. At some stations integrating sensors have been added, but it will take time to push these data through the average year data base.

In addition, previous work in England using ultrasonic sensors has shown that NOAA data also suffers from severe drop out at speeds less than 5 to 10 MPH, which means that most sites show "0" wind speed, whereas there is actually some wind, but not enough to move the cups on the anemometer. This can be a problem for simulation of natural ventilation.

ASHRAE's TC 4.2 continues to discussed these and other issues, which can be viewed on ASHRAE web page in their meeting minutes.

Jeff S. Haberl, Ph.D.,P.E., FASHRAE

Jeff Haberl2's picture
Joined: 2011-10-02
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data availibility either for simulation or predictive control is vital.
I was ventilating the idea of non for profit local data centres, collecting an providing data for facility management but also for planning building integrated solar and wind harvesting.
Having all those web-enabled devices this should not be very costly.

Any progress anyhwere that this idea will materialise? While public administrations sleeping, finally the google boys may take over and we will risk a 100% dependency on them. I just learned that even sketchup is now part of building modeling.

best regards


Radler63's picture
Joined: 2011-10-02
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The data in the newly released NOAA/NCEP/CFSR dataset (which we have built an interface to) for wind speed is the 2 minute average of the wind in the previous hour for that 35-km grid at 10 meters. This is not an average for the last hour, but is less noisy than the peak readings and it is available hourly for a full 32 years.

Chuck Khuen

Chuck Khuen's picture
Joined: 2011-10-02
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A possible source is http://www.wunderground.com

It looks like private and public weather station
located around the world and some has wind data.


Martin Roy's picture
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