TR: ExCalibBEM : free tool to help calibrating models

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We just released the first version of ExCalibBEM, a free tool to assist simulation experts in the calibration of EnergyPlus or DOE2.2 models. The software facilitates the implementation of parametric and optimization runs in order to achieve a better match between simulation results and measured data, especially on short time intervals (15 minutes). ExCalibBEM can be described as a complete interface to GenOpt, a generic optimization program developed by LBNL laboratory, with several interesting functionalities including the generation of an objective function for calibration purposes, the automatic creation of input template file with the required indicators and the visualization of simulated and measured data.

Here is a short video presentation :

For more info and download :

It is fully documented, with examples and a case study. Bilingual interface (English/ French).

Do not hesitate to send us your comments /feedback

Simon Sansregret


Laboratoire des technologies de l'?nergie

Institut de recherche

600 ave de la Montagne

Shawinigan (Qu?bec) G9N 7N5

T?l. : 819 539-1400, poste 1555

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Anonymous's picture

Based on your presentation last week at the AHRAE / IBPSA conference, it looks like a very helpful tool and we will be investigating it.

James V Dirkes II, PE, BEMP, LEED AP
Energy Analysis, Commissioning & Training Services
1631 Acacia Drive, Grand Rapids, MI 49504 USA
616 450 8653

James V Dirkes II, PE's picture
Joined: 2011-10-02
Reputation: 203